Those taking shelter at Pharos are having faith that Vox pilots will pull through the darkness that befalls them. Madoka, Lan and Muginami find Dizelmine on the beach, where Yurikano is standing by him. The dark Rin-ne they were enclosed in soon collapses as a result of their will of changing Dizelmine's heart. As the Rin-ne soon starts to close, Madoka insists on taking Yurikano and Dizelmine with them. Madoka, Lan and Muginami soon arrive back in the real world, singing their triumphant Jersey Club anthem. This quells the black phenomenon into beautiful white Lagrange flowers, which drift off into outer space. Upon leaving the Rin-ne, Dizelmine reverts to a younger age, much like Asteria did. Yurikano reunites with Kirius, Izo and Array, while Moid mysteriously vanishes into thin air while struggling to enjoy a meal. After Madoka graduates from high school, she tells Youko about what happened ten years ago when Midori saved her from drowning, believing it to be a message from her mother. After Le Garite and De Metrio are finally at peace with each other, the Jersey Club later form branches on those planets, where Madoka, Lan and Muginami extend their services all over the universe.