In the second round of the footman auditions, Usui and Misaki succeed in the required task of setting up a high class table for afternoon tea. Usui also has to contend with Yukimura's curiosity by assuming a false identity and referring to Misaki as a boy. Before the third round begins, Misaki falls from the high stage and Usui rescues her. With Usui attempting to hide his injuries, Misaki decides to do the tasks in the third round to conceal it. This raises Maki's suspicions, but Usui attempts to cover it up by playing the violin. When Misaki discovers Usui's injuries, she asks him to stop and lectures Maki on the importance of helping colleagues. Motivated by her speech, Maki decides to call off buying Maid Latte and move his butler cafe elsewhere. Misaki visits Usui's apartment to take care of him, and is surprised to find him living alone in a luxurious apartment. She apologizes for being so dependent on him, but he professes that he has also become dependent on her.