The Student Council plans to hold an open house at Seika High to attract more girls to enroll there. A girl-hating freshman named Soutarou Kano is against it, and tries to derail their work by hypnotizing people, but he is stopped by Usui, who is immune to his abilities. To get revenge on Usui, he hypnotizes Misaki to hate Usui forever if she falls asleep within 24 hours. Misaki stays up all night with Usui's help, but Kano hypnotizes Yukimura into give her a sleep-inducing painkiller, making her extremely sleepy. With five minutes left before the time limit, she falls asleep and asks Usui if she will remember the feelings of gratitude she has towards him and hopes she will get the chance to thank him properly. Usui hugs her, vowing that he will save her as much as she wants and will make her fall for him all over again.