Kikyo continues to weaken due to Naraku's miasma eating away at her from within, and summons the soul of the priestess Midoriko to restore her powers. She explains to Inuyasha that in order to destroy Naraku, the Shikon Jewel must be completed and purified with Naraku the moment he absorbs it. Kohaku trails her and tells Inuyasha to tell the others. Meanwhile, Koga completes a series of trials to obtain the Goraishi, a treasure of his clan. He succeeds and gains the clawed weapon and protection of the spirits of his ancestors that will keep Midoriko's will from freezing his legs in place only one time. Kagura encounters Naraku, who returns her heart back to her, but he immediately impales her on his tendrils, injecting her with miasma and leaving her on the brink of death. After managing to escape on a feather, she lands in a meadow filled with flowers, where she listens to her newly-returned heart beating inside her chest. Sesshomaru battles Moryomaru, who has acquired the armor of a turtle demon named Meioju after devouring it. Smelling Kagura's blood, Sesshomaru quickly finishes his battle, shattering his sword Tokijin in the process. He finds her in the meadow just as she begins to die, and she is happy to see him one last time. Her body dissolves into dust and her feather hairpin floats away into the wind, signifying that she is now free.