At the Tamoto Photograph House, Hijikata requests Yojiro to entrust him with slaying the Head of the Conqueror. On April 9, second year of Meiji, the New Government Army lands at Otobe, splitting into three groups and claiming victory over Kikonai and Matsumae. However, on April 13, second year of Meiji, Hijikata leads an invincible charge at Futamataguchi against the last group. While the rest of the troupe are concerned with Kakunojo's views on rebuilding the republic, Keisuke Otori leads an uprising to kill all merchants making money off the republic. Enomoto's subordinates withdraw when Yojiro shows up to save a girl from being killed outside a burning building. After witnessing Otori's rebellion, Hijikata confronts the Head of the Conqueror within Enomoto, only to be told to leave by Sotetsu and Enomoto. Hijikata gives Tetsunosuke a letter to deliver to Katsu, then Tetsunosuke says farewell to Kakunojo before embarking on his journey. On May 11, second year of Meiji, a battle has begun between the New Government Army and the Yuguntai at Bentenai Pier. Enomoto and Kakunojo transform Goryōkaku into an iron wall fortress. At Ippongi Gate, Hijikata kills many New Government Army soldiers, but Kanna shoots Hijikata to death.