In a dungeon, Jubei summons Kurota Karasuma, Kaen Ryu and Gensai Hachisuka, while Meifu Hata binds Kurota, Kaen and Gensai in chains and controls them using the Head of the Conqueror. Meanwhile, Katsu visits Kotoha, as they talk about how impressive the troupe's performances have been thus far. Once Kotoha leaves, Katsu tells his men that he wants to solicit the English to help them drive their armed forces back from Edo, which might be blindly leaping them into a viper's nest. Parkes accidentally bumps into a grumpy samurai, but Kotoha manages to dissolve the situation. When the troupe come to give an outstanding performance at the Ushioza, Kakunojo is surprised to learn that Kotoha received an anonymous tip for the venue despite her generous invite. The performance is soon interrupted by Kurota, Kaen and Gensai, who all have a desire to kill. As most of the crowd evacuates, Kakashi no Keishin struggles to fight back, but proves to be too weak. After Yojiro and Sotetsu are surrounded by Kurota, Kaen and Gensai inside the Ushioza, Parkes summons his British soldiers to rehearse a march outside for the crowd, causing Kurota, Kaen and Gensai to retreat from hearing the bagpipes.