Following Wamuu's trail of blood, Joseph and Lisa Lisa encounter a vampire named Wired Beck. Lisa Lisa easily defeats him using her Hamon-empowered scarf. As a promise to Caesar, Joseph states he will not take the antidote until he has beaten Wamuu. Joseph and Lisa Lisa encounter Wamuu and Kars, along with a hundred vampire minions. Lisa Lisa holds off their attack bluffing that if she and Joseph are killed, a time bomb will destroy Super Aja. She proposes that Joseph fight Wamuu whilst she fights Kars with the Super Aja on the line. Wamuu and Kars arrange a place for the battle at midnight, keeping Lisa Lisa as insurance. Whilst retrieving the Super Aja, Joseph finds a picture of Erina from 1889 with Speedwagon, Straizo, and an infant. Upon meeting at the arena, Lisa Lisa reveals that she was the baby that Erina rescued from the ship and was raised by Straizo who taught her Hamon and gave her the Super Aja. Joseph and Wamuu's battle is revealed to be a chariot race using vampire horses. Joseph puts on Caesar's bandana and prepares to do battle.