Shimei Ryomou easily defeats a battle weary Ekitoku Chouhi. The threat of Ryomou killing Unsho Kan'u awakens Gentoku Ryuubi's dragon. Suikyou reveals that Ryomou harbors a dragon as she runs away from the encounter. Kan'u is forced to subdue Ryuubi, who has been completely possessed by her dragon, and imprison her for several days until the possession subsides. Moutoku Sousou disciplines Bunsoku Ukin for failing to defeat Kanu. Myosai Kakouen tells Houkou Kakuka she will get the Dragon Jade from Ryomou. Kakuka reveals the existence of the Dragon Jade to Chuutatsu Shibai, who was the real mastermind behind the provocation of Yoshu Academy. Kakuka also tells Bunwa Kaku about the Dragon Jade, but is murdered by Yojo Bashoku who frames Kouha Kannei for the attack. Despite a warning by Kaku that Kannei has an alibi, Sousou orders all his forces to attack Nanyo Academy.