Moutoku Sousou and Genyou Kakouton fend off an assassination attempt by Yoshu Academy and Koshaji that was orchestrated by Bunwa Kaku and Houkou Kakuka in order to awaken Sousou's fighting spirit. Kaku takes Koumei Jokou, Bunken Gakushin and Shunhai Chouko to subjugate Yoshu in retaliation for the attack. Afterward, Sousou is disappointed that Kaku did not exact revenge for Kakouton's injury. Gentoku Ryuubi tries to avoid training with Ekitoku Chouhi but is ambushed by Bunsoku Ukin. Unsho Kan'u defends her while Ekitoku defends the shrine gate from more attackers from Kyosho Academy. Shimei Ryomou arrives carrying the Dragon Jade after the last attacker falls.