Yoshihiko attempts to escape the lab except is delayed by Jubei. Charles interferes to protect Yoshihiko and flashbacks to the prior relationship between Yoshihiko and Charles is shown. Charles fell in love with Yoshihiko however Yoshihiko used this to make her the prototype of Project Inzanami. Muneakira's true General powers come forward during the battle between Jubei and Charles. Gisen makes her move and Charles is killed protecting Yoshihiko but not before Yoshihiko realizes his feelings from the armor origami that Charles was carrying with her. Gisen is attempting to resurrect Amakusa Shirō and is taking over Bukei Academy in the process. Jubei Yagyu Master Samurai tells the "incomplete" Jubei Yagyu that once she and Muneakira kiss again, the true pact will form thus eliminating the "incomplete" personality of Jubei Yagyu.