Muneshige gains the opportunity to end the conflict when he is about to take down the Musashi with a direct shot, but Futayo, rises up again, managing to defeat him for good and confiscating Lypē Katathlipsē, causing the Trés España forces to fall back. Meanwhile, Tori manages to reach Horizon at a holographic barrier, but she claims that he should not risk the future of the Far East just for her sake, and the two has a long discussion about it. Even though he confesses his love for her, Horizon concludes that she is inversely parallel to Tori, stating that she has perfect judgment of thought rather than of emotion, but he convinces her that she is a human being. He later accidentally passes his hand through the barrier and touches her, and the two enter into the memory leading up to her childhood death. As they both begin to disintegrate, they reach out their hands in agreement of affection, breaking free from the barrier and making it out alive.