Kenichi continues with the Elders nightmarish Seikuken training which again, almost kills him numerous times. Niijima arranges a gathering to welcome Kisara and her followers into Shinpaku Alliance. Takeda and Ukita are both attacked by Berserker, while Miu runs into Kisara at a pet shop. Kisara thinks Miu has a crush on Kenichi, though Miu denies it a little too much. They are both attacked by Freya, who fights using a lightning fast Bō staff, and her Valkyries. Miu and Kisara prepare to fight together. Berserker easily takes out Ukita and faces Takeda, who realises Berserker does not use martial arts, he is a street fighter who uses pure natural talent combined with anger to make himself stronger. Takeda only succeeds in grazing Berserker's face before being beaten unconscious. Niijima draws Berserker away from Takeda and Ukita, avoiding his attacks with Personal Niijima-style Escape Art. Miu fights the Valkyrie allowing Kisara to face Freya alone. Niijima tricks berserker into falling into a pit trap.