Kenichi is found unconscious by Ogata Ishinsai who lives alone in the Dark valley. Kenichi tells him about his defeat by Odin. Akisame explains to Miu there are two types of martial artists, those who remain calm and rely on training, and those who lose control and fight with pure rage. Due to his loss against Odin Kenichi is dangerously close to losing control, and the Elder is trying to prevent this happening. Akisame explains Ryozanpaku Dojo had a disciple before Kenichi, Ogata Ishinsai, who did lose control and was expelled after he killed another martial artist. Kenichi is attacked by a bear but is saved by Ogata who brutally slaughters it, horrifying Kenichi. Ogata offers to become Kenichi's master and train him to gain the power to kill his opponents. Kenichi declines the offer as he only fights to protect people he cares about. Plus he already has 6 terrifying masters. Ogata gives him directions back to the Elders camp. The Elder is happy Kenichi has learned to control his anger and teaches Kenichi how to use the Seikuken, allowing him to finally catch a fish. Kenichi also manages to defend himself from the Elder, who was actually the one swiping at the back of his head with his super speed. Kenichi's joy at learning Seikuken soon disappears when the Elder announces his real Dark Valley training can now begin. In the Forest Ogata is upset the Elder had used him to teach Kenichi an important lesson. Deciding to return to the city he dons his fighting outfit, revealing his true identity as the Sage Fist.