Tanimoto tells Kenichi about the Eight Fists top 3 fighters, Odin, Berserker and Freya and that Odin was personally trained by Sage Fist. Tochūmaru tries to steal Kenichi's Yin-yang badge. Kenichi can only remember he got the badge when he was 6 years old by trading it with someone for a cat badge. Miu takes Kenichi to find the store where he got the badge and reveals she spent part of her childhood living in the same area with her grandfather and together they find the store. Miu reveals she originally bought the Yin-yang badge as a little girl but traded it to Kenichi for the cat badge. Kenichi remembers he had met Miu when he was 6 years old. They are suddenly interrupted by Odin who calls a temporary truce. At first he is friendly but becomes angry when Kenichi not only can't remember their promise but cannot even remember his real name. Kenichi ends up remembering Odin is actually Ryūto Asamiya, his childhood friend he hasn't seen in 10 years. He also remembers Ryūto bought the cat badge Kenichi ended up trading to Miu and together he and Ryuto watched the 6 year old Miu beat up 3 thugs trying to rob the store, which led to Kenichi and Ryuto making their promise, to train in martial arts until they became as strong as Miu. Kenichi then introduces Ryuto to the grown up Miu. Ryuto becomes angry at Kenichi's request to end the fight between Ragnarok and Shinpaku Alliance and challenges Kenichi to a fight, swearing to make him remember their real promise.