The Gopher, Sakamoto: Maruyama and the upperclassmen delinquents bullied the first years into becoming their servants. One of the servants is Sakamoto, whom Maruyama tries to put him to use, seeing how efficient he is until Sakamoto overwhelms him.
Hide and Seek of Love: With Kubota's grades falling, Sakamoto helps him study for the next exam. Kubota's mother takes a liking to Sakamoto after his first arrival to their house, and so with Sakamoto coming over to study again, Kubota plans to hide Sakamoto in his house. While Kubota leaves to pick up a textbook, Sakamoto tries to evade Kubota's mother in the house with initial success. Spotting a camera and a disk, Sakamoto uses the chance to trick Kubota's mother into thinking that he had fled into the television. Following that incident, Kubota and Sakamoto decide to study at the library.