Sena is caught playing an eroge and insists it is not perverted. While trying to praise the story of the game, Yozora has Sena read the dialogue aloud to prove otherwise. Sena reads a few lines, but panics and breaks down, running out of the clubroom crying. Later that night, Kodaka's little sister, Kobato Hasegawa, feels jealous that Kodaka is spending more time with the Neighbors Club than with her. Kodaka thinks about Kobato's words the next day while watching Sena play another game. She encounters Natsume, a green-haired character wearing a bathing suit, in her game and asks Kodaka to teach her how to swim, having not learned before. Kodaka accepts and gives her swimming lessons at a water park. As Kodaka and Sena eat lunch, he finds it strange that Sena likes her nickname "Meat". Sena then gets herself into trouble when she insults some guys hitting on her, forcing Kodaka to help her out. Although Sena thanks Kodaka for saving her, Kodaka blames Sena for starting the argument. On the way home, Sena thinks about having a male confront her for the first time. The incident also reminds Kodaka of a friend he once had as a child, who taught him a lesson about friendship, something which Yozora finds familiar.