Thirteen years later, the state governor is assassinated by a new type of Necro-Rise, called an Orgman, that is much stronger and can hulk up at will and Millennion now exports these orcmen for huge profits. Laguna Glock is tasked to increase the production by Bear Walken, who is disgusted by the newly evolved Necro-Rise project, but only remains in Millennion to watch over his daughter. It is revealed that Balladbird Lee and Bob have undergone the "Superiorization" procedure to make orcmen with consciousnesses. Maria has been tracked down and has a daughter named Mika Asagi. "Bloody" Harry, as he is now known, orders them to be killed in order to prevent any disputes over succession. Mika manages to escape the death squad, but Maria is killed, and Butler Tokioka is later killed by an Orgman. Mika makes it to Dr. Tokioka having learnt of her mother's past. While driving away they are attacked by a group of orcmen and Beyond The Grave awakens, which refers back to the opening scene from the first episode.