Harry and Brandon resolve to reach the top, Brandon through conviction and Harry through deception, but their friendship is slowly falling apart as old promises and old memories begin to fade from Harry's mind. Big Daddy gathers all of Millennion's Family to announce the next leader, Arzac Tino, when everyone believed it would obviously be Harry, who had taken control of more than eighty percent of Millennion by that point. They revisit the town they grew up together in, seeing an old orphanage where they first met as children, then going back to the bar where they once lived, and then to the graves of Nathan, Kenny, and Jolice, all of whom Harry had forgotten. Harry reveals that Arzac had suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized as they return to the Millennion building and begin riding up the elevator, Brandon stands in the light, while Harry stands in the dark. Quietly, Harry suggests that they murder Big Daddy and take over so that Brandon could have Maria all to himself, but Brandon responds by punching him and holds a gun at him as Harry reveals his traitorous nature. Harry, already bitter from overhearing Brandon remaining loyal to the syndicate rather than his best friend, angrily shoots Brandon multiple times and then through the left eye, pushing his best friend out of the elevator and to his death.