With the pieces in place and their forces gathered, Millennion and Lightning are ready to war with each other, with Brandon, Harry, Bunji, and Wong at its centerfold. Wong meets Brandon and Bunji on the street and sets off multiple bombs that send the city into a panic, and Vulcan's "Deadmen Army" succinctly begins raiding Millennion strongholds, unable to be killed and wiping out Millennion's hugest numbers along with several executives. Harry frantically attempts to warn everyone, but realizes that the only way Lightning could gain so much ground was if a traitor from inside Millennion was feeding them information. Wong and his soldiers manage to confront and "capture" Brandon and Bunji, and Brandon attempts to interrogate Lightning's objective. Blood War claims that they want Big Daddy, and Brandon agrees to meet him inside of a warehouse. Harry takes full responsibility for the situation and discovers that Lee, who is related to Cannon Vulcan by blood, is in fact the traitor, and challenges him to a duel, while Brandon arrives at Wong's hideout and prepares to face-off with Blood War and his undead army all alone.