An armor resembling a dragon attacks Van and Wendy while they traverse through a mountainous path. An obnoxious boy named Joshua Lundgren tries to help them but causes more harm than good. Ray, later recognized to be Joshua's brother, shows up in his armor called the Vulcan, forcing the dragon armor to retreat. Wendy empathizes with Joshua seeing that he's trying to find his brother – at least the kind and gentle one Ray once was – much like she is. Meanwhile, Van and Ray meet again at a restaurant in town, where Ray reveals a plan to defeat the dragon armor if Van will help. It requires Van to hold the dragon immobile while Ray shoots at what he perceives as its weak point. Back in town, Joshua reveals himself to be an expert on armor, having had a close relationship with Ray's wife Shino, who worked on an experimental lab that designed armors. He realizes there is a vulnerability that can be exploited that Ray is unaware of. Wendy and Joshua run back to the mountain to tell the armor riders, but Ray won't listen. Luckily, Van does and the information enables them to stop the dragon armor. They discover pilot inside the dragon armor is long dead and the thing has been running on auto pilot. Van also discovers a data disk and prevents Ray from taking it away. Wendy invites Joshua to join them, but he declines. A short time later, however, he reconsiders and much to Van's frustration, they continue as a threesome.