Guin, Rinda, Remus, Istavan, and Suni have successfully escaped from Stafolos Keep and have made it back across the River Kes safely. During their travels down the dangerous river on a boat, Istavan asks Rinda about the "Shining Lady", saying how she may be connected to his destiny. A sea beast, known as a Big Mouth, charges at the protagonists, yet Guin strikes it with an oar. As the sun begins to set, Mongauli white knights prepare to attack them. However, a second Big Mouth appears but it is digested by a Ringworm, another sea beast. The boat is destroyed as a result, yet the protagonists are able to evade the soldiers and camp out in the woods. Lady Amnelis, general of the Mongauli white knights, is outraged that her squadron failed to ascertain the group. She plans to have nearly a vast number of soldiers track and hunt them down.