With Mao's new rollerblades, she's now able to surpass Mi-kun in a footrace. After the two smash into a rock wall, Kagome alerts the girls that another alien is approaching, this time the Lighthouse in Inubousuki. The girls transform and head for the Pacific Ocean using Nah-chan. After travelling for a while, they eventually realize that the alien (a giant whale) is directly underneath them. The alien blasts them out of the water, ejecting them from Nah-chan. Mao and Misora are okay, but Sylvia needs a quick saving as she can't swim. They believe they're safe until the whale bursts out of the water and towers over them, intent in swallowing the girls up. Completely helpless, they cry out for someone, anyone to help them. Mao cries out for her mother, causing her badge to glow. The clover's glow resonates with Mi-kun's own and in a surprising move, Mi-kun barrels out of the hangar, roars off a cliff and begins flying toward the girls' position. Headquarters is stunned by this turn of events, but Rikushiro believes that Mao's mother might be responsible.