The episode begins with the United Defense headquarters receiving a wrapped-up alien capsule. The Chiefs of Staff are absent for the day's meeting. The security guard in charge opens the capsule, only to release an alien with a cuteness factor that can immobilize anyone who comes into visual contact with it. Kagome arrives in the command center apparently from her apartment due to the lack of her usual uniform. Being acting commander, she orders a security lockdown to prevent the alien from infiltrating any further. She also deploys the Ground Defense Forces (the actual soldiers, not Mao-chan) to head off the alien and defend the headquarters. Kagome quickly tries to contact Mao-chan, but Mao and the girls are busy at the school's pool, their badges inside lockers. The alien proceeds even further into the base, any resistance is immediately defeated by its cuteness. Kagome finally manages to trap the alien within security barriers, but one of the operators (named Mayumi) catches a glimpse of it and sways under its bewitching influence, releasing it from its captivity.