The episode begins with the revealing of the new addition to the Defense Forces, the Sea Defense Force headquarters. While Mao and Misora admire it in awe, Rikushiro and Sorajiro look at it with loathing, furious that they were both copied (although Rikushiro quickly points out that Sorajiro's not one to talk as Sorajiro copied Rikushiro in the first place). Sylvia transfers into Mao and Misora's class. Kagome is asleep at her desk when class starts, so Sylvia is forced to introduce herself by herself. Sylvia asks one of the children to give her seat up by the window so she can sit next to Mao-chan. After school, Sylvia invites Mao and Misora to her house (which happens to be the Sea Defense Force headquarters) for some tangerines. When an alien becomes detected, Mao and Misora are shocked to realize that Sylvia's room is actually the inside of Nah-chan! To make matters worse, the girls are stuck in the middle of the ocean so they're unable to do anything. Forced to leave everything to Sylvia, the girls end up releasing the cute alien by using Nah-chan to grab its capsule and knock it against some rocks. This causes the alien inside (a dolphin) to get knocked out without a fight, scoring another victory for the Defense Forces!