The episode begins with Mao visiting the new Air Defense Force headquarters with Misora. Rikushiro accuses Sorajiro of being a copycat, enlisting Misora the same way he enlisted Mao-chan. He's also angry that the airbase had been built within the same area as the Ground Defense headquarters. Sorajiro replies that the government approved of the idea. They both begin to argue about whose granddaughter's the cutest. The next school day, Mao accidentally bumps into Senior Student Body President, Yuriko Ōzora. Before the two can get acquainted, Chinami Noki dashes in and drags Yuriko away, reprimanding her of conversing with the enemy. Meanwhile, Sorajiro is arguing with the Prime Minister of the decision of the new Air Defense Force headquarters and the recruitment of Misora while Kagome is depressed that with the Defense Forces in the spotlight, she never spends time with the Chief of Staff anymore. Both Sorajiro and Rikushiro gather their granddaughters separately and order Mao and Misora not to fight together anymore. Of course, the girls aren't happy about it and brood quietly by themselves.