Early the next morning, Manato encourages Shihoru to feed the doves. He catches her after she loses her balance when a dove gets too close to her. Team Manato returns to Damuro to hunt three more goblins, using new skills they have learned in their respective guild training sessions. As Team Manato stops to take a break, Manato mentions how well they fight as a team. As they resume their hunt, they encounter goblins much too powerful for them to defeat. In the process of retreating, Manato takes an arrow to the back by a goblin and soon collapses, having exhausted his healing powers earlier. The rest of the group rushes to Ortana, with Manato in tow, in order to see Hōnen, master of the Priests Guild. Hōnen tells them the devastating news that Manato has died and cannot be brought back to life. He suggests that Manato deserves a proper funeral of cremation. The rest of the group weeps for the loss of their friend as the ashes are carried in the wind.