Sandman and the castle maids are in Leele's bedroom, caring for her. Meanwhile, Eiji expresses about Toga's heartlessness to Luna. Toga is in the garden, pondering about actions toward Leele, when Eina runs over to find him there. Eina returns to Sandman's castle to converse with the castle maids, calling herself helpless against Toga. An alarm is sounded, alerting a Zeravire nearby. The pilots, excluding Leele, gather to their respective Gran Divas, in order to make their way toward the Zeravire. The Zeravire attacks. Toga initiates Elgo Mode to combine into Gravion but is corrupted by the Zeravire before the combination. Toga suffers much physical and mental damage, due to the stress that the Zeravire inflicted on the Gran Kaiser. Eina then plans to initiate her Proto Gran Diva Mode, taking control of all the functions of every Gran Diva, to try and save Toga. Eina sacrifices herself, seemingly destroying the Zeravire. All the pilots and castle maids mourns on behalf of her sacrifice. However, the Zeravire continues to attack, pushing the G-Driller with Luna into the water. Just when the Zeravire is about to destroy the Gran Kaiser, Faye and the G-Soldiers intercept the Zeravire with their Gran Troopers.