Despite running late, Gao and his classmates attend a field trip to the photon metal mine in Mt. Fuji. However, the mine is attacked by Rouga (as Wolf) and Armorknight Cerberus, who have stolen some of the photon metal. Gao and Drum confront them, and they are shocked to see that Wolf is turning Buddyfight card effects into reality. Buddy Police officer Tsurugi Takihara arrives and attempts to apprehend Wolf but is taken out by him. Then, Tasuku appears and gets approval from Buddy Police Commander I to use Future Force, which allows Tasuku to also bring cards to life. After weakening Wolf with this power, Tasuku creates a Buddy Police barrier from a Buddy Police satellite to surround the area and engage Wolf into a Buddyfight. Tasuku is about to defeat Wolf with the Gargantua Punisher card (which Gao gave back to him prior to the beginning of the Buddyfight). Suddenly, the satellite suddenly explodes, which destroys the barrier and allows Wolf and Cerberus to escape. Afterwards, Gao asks Tasuku about the unique powers that he and Wolf were using, but Tasuku does not tell him and gives the Gargantua Punisher card back to him. Elsewhere, Rouga is frustrated after almost losing to Tasuku. He is then recommended by a dark monster to go after Gao before getting the chance to get revenge on Tasuku.