Upon leaving the cave with the Shinzaho it gets stolen from Miaka by Ashitare's wolf form. Miaka gives chase, but after tripping and falling, she loses sight of him. Taiitsukun suddenly appears in front of Miaka, and Miaka asks her how she can retrieve the Shinzaho. Taiitsukun tells her that by "coupling" with Nakago, she can weaken his life force, and retrieve the Shinzaho from him. Despite being conflicted, Miaka decides to do it, and heads towards the Seiryuu camp. Tamahome appears soon after, and asks Taiitsukun where Miaka has gone. Taiistukun tells him Miaka is having 'girl's problems', and he sheepishly agrees to leave her be. Tamahome leaves and Taiitsukun turns into the form of a clam. Miaka goes to the camp and finds that Mitsukake's cat has followed her. Tamahome, sensing something is amiss, doubles back towards the camp. Miaka gets hungry and smells some food and goes to a tent where Nakago is waiting. Meanwhile, Yui is mad that Nakago has left her side and decides to go back to camp. Soboshi tells her Nakago can't be trusted and she doesn't believe him. She tries to pull herself from him, but he pulls her in and kisses her. One of the other 7 yells at him. This same member shows Yui the clam shell from before. Nakago strikes Miaka with lightning and destroys the necklace Tamahome's sister made for her. He advances toward her.