Tamahome and Hotohori sense an evil presence in Miaka's room and burst in, ready to attack. A disembodied voice speaks out to them, stating that Kutou will destroy and conquer Konan unless Tamahome agrees to go to Kutou. Nuriko and Chichiri, who had also felt this evil presence, enter the room. With Chichiri's help, the evil presence is revealed to be a Kutou spy. Despite the four Warriors' attempts to stop him, he escapes. Chichiri confirms that no evil was now present, however Miaka remains worried by the message given to them and that Tamahome might leave. At the back of her mind, she wonders about the possible reason for this, briefly suspecting Yui. Hotohori urges Tamahome to ignore the message, despite the fact that Kutou's army is three times bigger than Konan's and is advancing towards Tamahome's home village, and suggests that they all go to sleep. Tamahome chooses to watch over Miaka, promising he will never leave her side. When Miaka falls asleep, Tamahome decides to go to Kutou, kissing Miaka and wishing her well. The next morning, Miaka is frantic after she finds Tamahome missing. She hands Hotohori a letter that Tamahome had left behind for her, saying what he had done and that he will come back as soon as the last Warriors have been found...