Mustang's small team are cornered by the Central soldiers, however Mustang's old Ishval squadron arrive and saves them. Meanwhile, the Briggs Fortress soldiers, led by Buccaneer, join the battle. As Mustang's team begins to run low on ammunition, they are saved by Maria Ross and Rebecca Catalina with a truckload of weapons and ammunition. Mustang calls to thank Ross's weapons supplier and he is surprised to hear the crippled Havoc at the other end. At headquarters, Olivier tires of the bumbling Central military and stabs one general and kills Lieutenant General Gardiner. During the chaos, Edward's group sneaks back into Central via the tunnels and then into Central via the third laboratory. Edward, Scar, Darius, Jerso, and Zampano go in one direction while Hohenheim and Lan Fan go in the other. However, in frustration at the delay in stopping Mustang, and ignoring the protests of a lab member who says they have not yet completed their trials, a member of the Senior Staff awakens the humanoid mannequin soldiers.