Edward leaves Winry in the custody of the state military, while Bradley continues to chase Ling and Lan Fan, and Gluttony goes after Scar. Edward rejoins Alphonse in his fight against Scar when Gluttony arrives on the scene. Ling then joins the fight and is able to capture Gluttony using binding steel cables. Lan Fan manages to escape Bradley by cutting off her disabled arm and strapping it to a dog to throw him off her trail. Hawkeye arrives and drives off with Ling and Gluttony. As the Elric brothers are about to capture Scar, they are stopped by May. She uses her alkahestry to escape with him, however the Elric brothers catch her panda, Shao Mei. After the brothers explain everything to Winry she feels depressed and helpless, but her mood improves when she realizes that she is needed by her customers back in Rush Valley. As she leaves on the train for Rush Valley, Winry suspects that she may be falling in love with Edward. Meanwhile, Edward and Alphonse join the others at a hideout, where Lan Fan's wounds are treated by Doctor Knox. Ling reveals to Edward, Alphonse, and Mustang that Bradley the Führer is a homunculus. When Gluttony hears mention of Mustang, Lust's killer, he transforms and blows the corner off the hideout.