The gang arrives at Mushroom Manor and the innkeeper finds out that they are Foodon Chiefs. Oslo looses all his hair while trying to get a fly. So the Inn Keeper tells the gang to find a magical mushroom in the Funge Forest that will make it grow back. Oslo loses his hair while trying to get a fly. So, the inn keeper tells them to get a magical mushroom from the Funge Forest. The inn keeper is positive that the magical mushroom will make Oslo's hair grow back. When they arrive at the forest, Claudia attack with Beefsteak again. Chase summons Fried Ricer to, Kayla summons Omelet, and Pie Tin summons Sir Dumpling. Beefsteak takes them all out. Then, Chase summons Hot Doggone-It. Hot Doggone-It takes down Beefsteak. The gang grabs the magical mushroom and they take it back to Mushroom Manor. They use the magical mushroom on Oslo and his hair grows back.