Chase's victory celebration is cut short when he reveals that Chef Jack is his father. As the crowd turns on him, Chase and friends realize that the audience is filled with Gluttons and the whole contest was a set-up. Chase wins the contest. He and his friends throw a party for him. But, when Chase discovers who his real father is, it is cut short. Chef Jack turns out to be his father. Later, the audience turns out to be Gluttons. The contest was a setup to get Chase and his friends right where they wanted them. Chase then takes on King Gorge's Big 4. After a valiant struggle, he loses to them. Chef Jack emerges from the crowd, the gang gets captured, and they are taken to a secret Glutton Lab in the South Seas. The gang then saves Pie Tin's mom and dad and escape. The group heads for the MAC Cart and heads off. Chef Jack then steers a giant Glutton Foodon into the Glutton Lab and destroys it.