As Gilgamesh tears out Illya's heart from her corpse, Shirou and Rin confront Shinji and Gilgamesh. Rin forces Shinji and Gilgamesh to leave when she threatens to kill Shinji and refuses to join his side. After burying Illya, Rin confronts Shirou about his ideals and tells him that he needs to value himself over others, otherwise he will break. Shirou refutes this by the example of being rescued by Kiritsugu Emiya ten years ago, something Shirou admires. However, Rin cites that Shirou will not truly understand happiness unless he lives for himself. Despite her argument, Shirou remains committed to his ideals. Later on, as they evaluate the power of Gilgamesh and conclude that Caster is still their priority, the two are approached by Lancer, who offers his assistance, which they accept. Meanwhile, Archer learns that Kuzuki is helping Caster return to her original era using the Holy Grail. Archer later confronts Shirou, Rin and Lancer as they arrive at the church. Lancer engages Archer to give Shirou and Rin time to breach the church. As they do so, Rin informs Shirou that there is only one red jewel pendant that exists in the world, which Archer had already returned such a item to her.