By combining their powers, Shirō and Saber are able to defeat Gilgamesh and Kirei together. The final order Shirō commands to Saber is to destroy the Holy Grail. As Saber disappears, she admits her love for Shirō. An epilogue then takes place, with everyone returning to their normal lives, as if awakening from a long dream, and with Shirō satisfied with the life he has led forever remembering Saber and to enjoy a good life with Rin, Illya, Sakura and Taiga. Meanwhile, Saber has returned to her own time, where she tells Bedivere that she had a wonderful dream, and asks if one can relive dreams, to which Bedivere replies "of course". She then asks Bedivere to return Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake and, moments after Bedivere has accomplished her order, Saber peacefully dies under a tree.