Worried that the princess may be blamed for Fouquet's theft, Louise volunteers to go and catch her. Kirche and Tabitha volunteer as well. They travel to the place of Fouquet's last sighting escorted by Longueville. Kirche, Tabitha, and Saito enter an empty house where Tabitha discovers the hidden Staff of Destruction. Fouquet's golem appears outside. Louise tries to fight the golem with some spells but fails. As she is about to be crushed, Saito rushes in to save her. Her confidence broken, Louise breaks into tears. Saito is moved by this and attacks the golem himself as Sylphid rescues the nobles. He uses Kirche's sword but it breaks on contact with the golem. Derflinger calls on Saito to use him. Saito draws Derflinger and the runes on his hands glow again. He is able to slash the golem's legs, but they reform themselves. Louise tries to help using the Staff of Destruction, which Saito recognizes as a M72 rocket launcher, and with his rune-enabled abilities, he fires it at the golem and destroys it. In the aftermath, Longueville claims the staff and reveals herself to have been Fouquet all along; she engineered the scenario to discover how to use the staff. She tries to kill the students with the staff but nothing happens, as rocket launchers are single-use weapons. Saito knocks Fouquet out. Later, Osmond reveals that 30 years previously, he was fighting a monster when a man from another world (an American soldier from the Vietnam War) used one of two "staffs" to save his life. After the man died, Osmond buried the man and kept the remaining staff. The school holds a ball to celebrate. Louise asks Saito to dance and thanks him for saving her.