The exhibition of new familiars is a day away, and Louise is feeling rather depressed about it. Not only does Saito have nothing impressive to show, but this year the Princess of Tristain will be present, which makes the event more important. As night approaches, desperation sets in as Saito is unable to produce an act worthy of praise. A visitor to Louise's room turns out to be Princess Henrietta herself, and she explains how she and Louise are childhood friends. The next day, Saito performs a weak sword swinging demonstration only to be dragged off-stage by Louise. They witness Fouquet the Sculptor attempting to break into the school's treasure vault using an earth golem. Louise tries to stop her with her magic, but her blast misses the golem and hits the tower wall, breaching the magic barrier to the vault. Tabitha and her dragon familiar, Sylphid, fly in to help but are too late to prevent Fouquet from stealing the fabled Staff of Destruction and making her escape.