In the year 2042 while battling an alien force known as mimetic beasts, Goh Saruwatari, the pilot of the humanoid mecha robot Dannar, rescues 12 year old Anna Aoi. Now five years later, after finally gotten over losing his best friend Max Jr and his lover Mira Ackerman in the battle, Goh is close to retiring and is to marry Anna as they have fallen in love. On the day of their wedding, the ceremony is interrupted by a call from Dannar Base when the mimetic beasts strike again and Goh leaves the wedding to pilot the Dannar after his friends and fellow mecha pilots have been defeated by an infected robot; "Club Mariner" which was once piloted by Max. As he struggles in his battle against the seemingly pilot-less robot, Anna stumbles upon a sealed mecha known as Neo-Okusaer and, despite not being a pilot joins the battle in order to protect her new husband, in the process, accidentally exposing their marriage and her relationship to the Director of Dannar Base, Dr Kiriko Aoi. Despite Goh's fear of losing Anna and initial reluctance, Dannar and Neo-Okusaer merge to become the mighty robot Godannar and together are able defeat the mimetic beast and Club Mariner. Immediately after, Anna's mom and Goh's Boss, Dr Aoi receives a message in which footage of a nude blonde girl is seen falling out of Club Mariner, much to her shock. It is revealed through a flashback of her death, that the nude girl is Mira. Goh's past lover.