An unpleasant chance meeting with her elder sister Maho Nishizumi and Erika Itsumi, her second-in-command, leaves Miho apprehensive about Ooarai's chances in its upcoming match against Saunders University High School. To give Miho a better chance of coming up with a plan to use against their opponents, Yukari takes the initiative to infiltrate Saunders in disguise, and manages to escape with information on the enemy strategy. As the match begins, the Ooarai teams are quickly put on the defensive by the Saunders forces. Baffled by their opponents' uncanny ability to anticipate their moves, Miho eventually realizes that Saunders is making use of a radio interceptor balloon to eavesdrop on Ooarai's radio communications. Armed with that knowledge, she uses counterintelligence to lay a trap for Saunders, and manages to take out one of their tanks.