After Hajime befriended the MESS, which she decided to nickname Messy, there hasn't been any more abduction cases involving the MESS, who had released all the humans they abducted, leading the other Gatchaman to become curious as to whether they were hostile at all. The next day, GALAX users at Hajime and Sugane's school receive word from Rui, under the guise of X, that some spoiled milk has been sent to their school, prompting Hajime and the other students to try to get the word out. With help from Sugane, Hajime manages to warn the other students and shut down the vending machines distributing the milk. Later that day, when a helicopter crash puts some citizens on a gondola at risk, Rui approves the usage of something known as 'Crowds' whilst Joe comes across a curious alien capable of assuming a human's form by kissing them.