With all the Hideauze in the area killed, Pinion and his crew manage to salvage rare ancient technology. However, Pinion says that his crew has the right to keep the technology for themselves, sending a radio broadcast to other fleets to warn them to keep out of his crew's territory. As this broadcast reaches the Gargantia, the fleet is already reorganized and there is concern that other ships may leave to join Pinion's side. Using an ancient cannon, Pinion forces a crew of hostile pirates to surrender and join his fleet. Meanwhile, Ledo hears from Chamber that the lightbugs that humankind used as a power source were also created by the Hideauze, which further proves their discovery. Ledo then questions if there is still a need to keep fighting the Hideauze after all they learned. Chamber comes to the conclusion that the Galactic Alliance and the Hideauze simply cannot coexist, seeing as one side evolved and perfected their civilization while the other relinquished civilization altogether, thus their conflict is inevitable. Chamber then informs Ledo about a transmission from a Galactic Alliance vessel. As a huge fleet approaches them, Ledo sees Kugel still alive inside his Machine Caliber atop the vessel.