The timeline reaches the first events of the first two episodes. The team is called to take care of the Category B in the city while wondering what has happened with Yomi. The call finds Nori investigating the site where Yomi was found, his plan is to find who hurt her, reestablish her name and go back to her, no matter what his father says. From what he finds at the site, he comes to the conclusion that someone is orchestrating everything that's been happening in the last several months, when spiritual beings of all kinds have been appearing more and more. With the Kasha defeated by Kagura and Yomi making her appearance as her healthy, katana-welding self -she got Shishio back by killing her uncle- Nori and Kagura follow her in the service tunnels below ground. They split up and Yomi shows up before Nori with Ranguren by her side, holding a wounded Kazuki in its fangs. He throws a spike at Nori and tells him to kill her. She tells him to kill her over and over again, while torturing Kazuki until she eventually kills him. Nori is frozen in horror, not capable to believe the Yomi in front of him is the person he loves, unable to find the strength to kill her. Yomi leaves a shocked Nori behind and goes to find Kagura in the other tunnel. They fight briefly and blow up the tunnel. When Kagura resurfaces, Yomi is already there to face her, and Ranguren also traps her in her fangs. Yomi is ready to slash her with Shishio while Kagura in disbelief can only ask "why?" over and over again, when Kagura's father appears.