Furious over his humiliation by Natsu and Lucy, Jacob threatens to kill their guildmates within his pocket dimension until Lucy tells him that he has unknowingly captured Brandish and Marin as well. When Jacob releases the two, Lucy summons Gemini to copy Marin's magic and free her guildmates. After Natsu uses his Fire Dragon King Mode to defeat Jacob, Mavis instructs Cana to release her body from its stasis by using Fairy Glitter to destroy her illusory form. In northern Fiore, Gajeel's team discovers that Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus have been defeated and crucified by the Alvarez army. In Hargeon, Erza, Jellal, and Kagura encounter a facsimile of the deceased Simon called a Historia, created by Neinhart to torment the trio. After sending Jellal and Kagura into the ocean, Neinhart creates Historias of powerful dead figures from Erza and her allies' pasts to fight them. Kagura contemplates leaving Jellal to die for killing Simon, but abandons her resentment and resuscitates him.