Yukino is revealed to be a celestial spirit wizard when she summons Libra and Pisces to attack Kagura. Using her gravity-altering magic, Kagura defeats the two spirits, thus forcing Yukino to use a Gatekey that summons Ophiuchus, which is regarded as the strongest among the Celestial Spirits. However, Kagura slays Ophiuchus with her sword still sheathed and easily defeats Yukino. Later, Jellal discusses the fact that he has not sensed the evil power similar to Zeref's even though the second day of the Grand Magic Games has ended. Erza reunites with Milliana, who is revealed to be a member of Mermaid Heel. Meanwhile, Saber Tooth's master Ziemma is dissatisfied with his guild's performance. Though Sting is given another chance, Ziemma humiliates Yukino for her failure.