Fairy Tail is undaunted by their poor performance on the first day. As the guild celebrates, they are visited and taunted by Bacchus, Erza's rival from Quatro Cerberus, who has come to replace War Cry. Carla relays her premonition to Poluchka, saying that she saw Mercurius collapsing around what appeared to be a tearfully singing Lucy. The second day of the tournament begins with a footrace atop a train of moving chariots, causing the participants Natsu, Gajeel, and Sting to suffer from motion sickness as a side effect of their Dragon Slayer magic. As Natsu and Gajeel force themselves forward, Sting inquires about their determination to which Natsu responds that it is as a result of the strength of Fairy Tail's bonds. Sting eventually throws the race while Natsu and Gajeel manage to finish as sixth and seventh placers, respectively, earning Fairy Tail the audience's respect.