Celty Sturluson arrives at her apartment and is surprised to see so many familiar faces. Meanwhile, Shizuo Heiwajima is interrogated by two officers possessed by Saika, who claim that Shizuo assaulted Mimizu. The officers are interrupted by Kinnosuke Kuzuhara, who knows that Shizuo is friends with Celty. Kinnosuke threatens to turn the officers over to internal affairs for foisting a false charge of assault on Shizuo. Elsewhere, Aoba Kuronuma introduces the Blue Squares to Hiroto Shijima. Also, Shu Aozaki tells Ran Izumii that the Dollars seem like a good source of quick money. At the apartment, Shinra Kishitani explains to Celty that Emilia Kishitani ran into Walker Yumasaki, who wanted to use the apartment as a secret base for him and Saburo Togusa. Seiji Yagiri and Mika Harima were looking for a place to crash, while Shingen Kishitani and Egor also came by. In the online chat room, Aoba opens up a private chat with Mairu Orihara and Kururi Orihara, recommending them to leave the city. A flashback reveals that Shingen, Egor and Eijirō Sharaku, who all wore gas masks and lab coats, rescued Namie Yagiri from Seitarō Yagiri and Kasane Kujiragi, using smoke bombs to make their escape. In the present, Celty becomes enraged upon learning from Namie that Izaya has her head and treats it like a ball. Furthermore, Shingen and Walker causes more stress for Celty because she is headless. Meanwhile, Mikage Sharaku and Kine corner and defeat Slon. Izaya Orihara, who was never knocked out during his capture, tells Mikage and Kine that Slon was under the influence of Kasane, a wielder of Saika. Celty tries to piece together why her guests are visiting, Shinra suggests that they start a guild and pool together all of their resources, with Celty as their leader.