Shizuo begins recklessly assaulting Saika's children in the park. In a flashback, Anri's father has gone bankrupt from his business as an antique dealer, leading him to physically abusing his wife and daughter. As he is on the verge of strangling Anri to death, Anri's mother uses Saika to kill Anri's father, before killing herself. Anri then places her hands on Saika. In the present, Anri assimilates Haruna, rendering her unconscious, and reverts the possessed crowd back to normal. Celty shows up, and Anri reveals that Nasujima was the man whom Celty cornered before being attacked by a shadowy slasher, Anri. Nasujima runs off, and Celty takes Haruna, to have her treated by Shinra. Afterwards, Anri is put in the hospital. Izaya reveals that he sent Nasujima to Anri's house, Nasujima owed money to the Awakusu group and tried to get the money by extorting Haruna's parents, the Awakusu group sent Nasujima to Izaya so that Nasujima could get information on Haruna's family, he intentionally let Nasujima steal a suitcase of cash from him (which is what Celty was collecting from Nasujima), he knew that Haruna was Saika, and he was originally planning on threatening Nasujima for taking his money and using Nasujima to blackmail Haruna. Izaya's intentions were to break the city down into three factions (the Dollars, the Yellow Scarves, and Saika's army), in order to set up a battlefield to awaken Celty's head. Things did still go the way that Izaya wanted, the only difference being Anri leading Saika's army instead of Haruna. Due to Anri being put in the hospital, Mikado contacts all of the Dollars members, asking for information about the slasher, and Masaomi returns to his position as the leader of the Yellow Scarves.