A flashback sequence shows how the Gillard military tried a Resonance program five years ago, but it ended in failure. Presently, on the moon, Gio decides to abandon Jin believing that he was wrong about Toa being there, not realizing that they have just missed her. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the ISDA publicly reveals the truth about the D-Project and Thanatos. In the lunar city, Jin is captured by Garnet MacLaine, and in order to lure Gio in, she sends a secret broadcast about Jin's capture, but in a frequency which only dragons can hear. After accidentally seeing Toa in a video, Gio decides to go save him. During his attempt, Gio battles Garnet while being weakened by a machine, but as Jin tries to escape, he destroys the machine. Gio then saves Jin and transforms into a dragon, flying off as Toa, who had also gone to help Jin, watches.