Goku asks Trunks about the training, but Vegeta doesn't want him to say anything about it. Meanwhile, 18 questions 16 on his love for nature and asks if he even cares that Cell might absorb her and kill him. Bulma lands at Kami's lookout. She gives Gohan, Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta a set of Saiyan armours. Tien and Piccolo refuse to wear the suits, claiming they do not want to wear the same clothes as the Saiyans. Vegeta then leaves to find and destroy Cell, while Trunks closely follows. Anxious to find 18, Cell finds a chain of inhabited islands, and insisted to obliterate each island with energy blasts, bringing him closer to the Androids' hideout. Back at Kami's lookout, after eating a quick amount of food, Goku and Gohan enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to start training.